Jamberry rocked New York Fashion Week kicking it off with the Nicholas K show on Thursday morning in the Pavilion at Lincoln Center. Jamberry introduced three custom nail wraps that were custom designed for the show: a black design with a glitter matte finish, a black-to-burgundy ombre with a matte glitter finish, and (most stunningly) a black and burgundy crackle print that was directly inspired by a pattern featured in the designers’ Fall/Winter 2015 collection.
Thursday closed with the Go Red For Women Red Dress Collection, which saw some of the hottest celebrities (Hoda Kotb, Kristin Cavallari, Irina Panteava, Dascha Polanco, to name a few) sporting Jamberry’s Heart Health Awareness nail wraps ($2 of every sale is donated directly to the American Heart Association). The ladies of Fifth Harmony also sported the red Jamberry wraps closed out the show with their hit song “Sledgehammer.”
With the Nicholas K show and the Go Red For Women Red Dress Collection under their belt, Jamberry was already a big success during Fashion Week, but they were hardly done. They wowed us again when they teamed up with Christian Siriano to create a unique custom hunter green to black gradient nail wrap that perfectly matched Siriano’s Congo jungle-inspired collection.
[Images: Jamberry]