“Kawaii,” which literally translates into “cute” in Japanese refers to a whole genre of nail art focused on cartoonish characters, gaudy embellishments, and the color pink. As this foreign style is increasingly becoming a part of mainstream culture, you’ll want to consider trying it for yourself! Get inspired to go kawaii with these manicures.
[Nails above by @dianecsl]
Nails by @kawaii_nails_tustin_ca/Kawaii Nails OC
Nails by Wu Jingwen, @nailsbywenz of Bejeweled Nails
Nails by Jennifer Ko, @jenkonails/https://www.facebook.com/jenkonails
Nails by Simone Gilbert, @urbanblissbeauty/facebook.com/urbanblissbeautytherapy
Nails by @chicnails_bytiff
Nails by @chicaartistanails/chicaartistanails.bigcartel.com
Nails by Secret Beauty, facebook.com/secret.beauty.cp; Image: @mishlimbsb