Welcome to Spotlight on… NAILPRO Competition Winners.
Here we interview outstanding Nail Artists who have placed in past Nailpro competitions and highlight their work.
This week we speak with Classic Mully, who most recently took home second place in the NAILPRO Long Beach 2013 Inspired Artistic Genius Division.
Where do you live?
San Francisco, California
What competitions have you won?
Many (28 to be exact… and counting!)
What was your first competition?
In school (lots of competitions in school, nationally and locally) but, Nail Art – First place.
First non-school comp was Vegas 2011, Fantasy/ Mythology theme – Second Place.
What made you decide to compete?
Adrenaline, accreditation, skill improvement.
Why do you enjoy NAILPRO Competitions, as compared to other nail competitions?
I like the structure of their rules, very well organized. Jewell and April make me smile. 🙂
Where do you work?
I am the owner of Reckless Nails in San Francisco, CA.
Tell us about how you got started in the nail industry.
Trip to Japan. The women had beautiful, extravagant nails. I got my first set done in Tokyo and became obsessed ever since. My overall goal is to take the JNA exam and compete in Japan.
What/Who inspires your work?
First, as a competitor, John Hauk is my drive. His speed and talent keep me motivated. Catherine Wong’s fantasy and art inspire me to push the limits. I will be competing against both of them this year!
Which tool(s) can’t you live without?
Pinching tools to hold the pinch (not used to place the pinch) and TROPHY SHOES! (seriously, I must have my trophy shoes- great self esteem booster)
What is your favorite technique or style?
I’ve always loved acrylic, but becoming quite fond of gel! My favorite competitions are on-the-clock art competitions like the extreme stiletto shades of orange from Vegas last year.
What tip can you offer to other nail competitors?
3 rules: 1) Read and understand the rules. 2) PRACTICE! 3) Find a good model; the model will make or break you.
Anything else you would like to add?
Everyone should compete to challenge themselves. Plus, get a score card to see where you did well and where you can improve. Competitions help us do great work under the clock, thus truly helping in the salon atmosphere.
You can find Classic Mully on the web:
Website: www.classicmully.com
Classic Mully’s Facebook: Classic Mully
Reckless Nails Salon’s Facebook:
The Nail Artist
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