And the Winner Is…

Lyudmyla Kulyniy Valentine CIn addition to the top three contestants featured in the April issue of NAILPRO, we also offered a Readers Choice prize where the winner was chosen by you!

The prize goes to: Luda Kulyniy from Philadelphia, PA!!

“Valentine’s day is a really special day for me and my husband because we were married on February 14. Because of this, I do very exclusive nail art for this day. For this design, I used aqua paints, glitter, Swarovski stones and UV top coat. Thank you and hope you’ll like my nail art!”

We certainly do! And we hope that you enjoy your Daylight Company Twist Portable Lamp.

And another enthusiastic congratulations to the top three winners: Martyna Kelpacka, Jana Jahr and Tanya Ross. All three won the Duo Design UV Lamp and, as the first place winner, Kelpacka also received the Slimline Table Lamp.

Stay tuned for more nail art competitions to come in the future!
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