How-To: Identify Subungual Melanoma During a Client's Next Appointment

Nail techs are in a position to notice a rare and dangerous type of cancer in the nail when doing a service. Here, we discuss subungual melanoma, a type of skin cancer under the nail.
Nail techs are in a position to notice a rare and dangerous type of cancer in the nail when doing a service. Here, we discuss subungual melanoma, a type of skin cancer under the nail.
Courtesy of Dreamstime

When most nail techs start the workday, they probably aren’t thinking they might save a client’s life before the day is done. But they actually might, because nail techs are in a position to notice a rare and dangerous type of cancer in the nail when doing a service: subungual melanoma. Read on to learn its causes, how its diagnosed and advice for educating and advising clients. 

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