Nail Art Tutorial: Mermaid Dreams

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With glitter galore, here’s a manicure fit for a mermaid! Watch as the owner of MARS the Salon of West Hollywood, Hiroko Fujikawa, demonstrates step by step how to get the look.

1a (1)1. Apply a base coat.

1c (1)2. Apply gold glitter nail polish to the thumb and pinky fingers. Apply a light pink nail polish on the index finger and a light blue nail polish on the middle and ring fingers, creating a half moon with the negative space.

3. Sponge a darker blue and pink nail polish onto the tips of the respective light colored nails to create gradation.

4. Draw the body of the mermaid with a light beige nail polish on the middle finger.

1i5. Draw the mermaid’s hair with a yellow nail polish.

6. Draw the fin of the mermaid with a green nail polish on the middle and ring fingers.

1o7. Shade the tip of the fin with a light green nail polish.

1s8. Draw a pink shell bra on the mermaid.
9. Use a striping brush to outline the mermaid.

1v10.  Apply a gold glitter nail polish on the free edge of index finger, creating gradation.

1x11. Draw a shell with a light purple nail polish on the index finger.

1z12. Using a thin nail art brush and purple polish, draw the outer lines of the shell with a dark purple nail polish.

Last13. Attach iridescent glitter sequins on the thumb.

14. Apply a top coat. Done!


Check out MARS the Salon for more.


Also see: 1 8Let’s Get Nautical Tutorial

[Images: Alex Sclavos/MARS the Salon]

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