7 Nail Art Designs in Honor of International Nail Art Day

Courtesy of @veedidem via Instagram

International Nail Art Day took place Aug. 6, 2022!

The holiday was created by New York-based nail tech Mimi Wilson in 2013. This is the very first holiday to celebrate nail art. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw a rise in the search for nail art and designs. Nail art provides the opportunity for clients and nail technicians alike to showcase their creativity and skills. 

Nail art can be simple or intricate—it just depends on the wants of your client. 

Check out some of our favorite nail art designs:

Nails by Mel-Lisha Babb

@pinkfleurbeautybarCourtesy of @pinkfleurbeautybar via Instagram

Nails by Amanda

@ Get NailedCourtesy of @__get_nailed__ via Instagram

Nails by Valentina (Vee)

@veedidemCourtesy of @veedidem via Instagram

Nails by Gaby Hodges

@gabyhodgesnailsCourtesy of @gabyhodgesnails via Instagram

Nails by Tom

@tom Nails1991Courtesy of @tom_nails1991 via Instagram

Nails by Nokti (Ruma)

@ SaloncicCourtesy of @_saloncic_ via Instagram

Nails by Naisha

@theenailgaloreeCourtesy of @@theenailgaloree via Instagram

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