Missoni Fall 2017, courtesy of Andreea AngelescuFamous for “zigging” and “zagging” in fashion, designer Angela Missoni captures sharp-angled geometric patterns with an unusual softness that remains unique. Perhaps it is the gauzy, light-as-air knits the Italian luxury house specializes in; perhaps it is the smart, optically challenging palettes that seem otherworldly. Missoni has managed to weave the brand’s iconic zigzags into everything from dizzying pantsuits to oversize coats to barely-there bathing suits—while still making the tightly wound pattern seem fresh. One thing is for certain: Missoni’s hypnotic designs and multicolored magic make for absolute perfection as an inspiration for nail art. Guest artist San Sung Kim isolated three strengths from Missoni for her nail creations: seamlessly blending the iconic zigzag with disparate patterns; simplifying the geometric design with smart color palettes; and evoking the delicate texture of knits with a gossamer-like creation that even incorporates crochet details.
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Missoni Fall 2017, courtesy of Andreea AngelescuFamous for “zigging” and “zagging” in fashion, designer Angela Missoni captures sharp-angled geometric patterns with an unusual softness that remains unique. Perhaps it is the gauzy, light-as-air knits the Italian luxury house specializes in; perhaps it is the smart, optically challenging palettes that seem otherworldly. Missoni has managed to weave the brand’s iconic zigzags into everything from dizzying pantsuits to oversize coats to barely-there bathing suits—while still making the tightly wound pattern seem fresh. One thing is for certain: Missoni’s hypnotic designs and multicolored magic make for absolute perfection as an inspiration for nail art. Guest artist San Sung Kim isolated three strengths from Missoni for her nail creations: seamlessly blending the iconic zigzag with disparate patterns; simplifying the geometric design with smart color palettes; and evoking the delicate texture of knits with a gossamer-like creation that even incorporates crochet details.
About the Artist
Originally from South Korea, nail artist San Sung Kim creates minimalist and editorial nail sets for digital content from Northwest Arkansas, where she currently resides.