A girl’s gotta have at least a sip of luxury each week. Treat your clients to it with these fall nails inspired by Chanel. Hiroko Fujikawa, expert in Japanese nail art and owner of MARS the Salon shows how it’s done.
1. Apply a base coat.
2. Apply a white nail polish on the thumb, middle, and ring fingers. Apply a beige nail polish on the index and pinky fingers.
3. Draw two triangles with a beige nail polish on the thumb.
4. Draw three triangles with a beige nail polish on the ring finger.
5. Fill the outer side of the three triangles with a beige nail polish and draw two horizontal lines on middle finger.
6. Draw horizontal lines on the index and pinky finger with a white nail polish and a thin art brush.
7. Draw gold lines on the middle and pinky fingers, and outer lines on the triangle part.
8. Apply a top coat. Done!
[Images: Alex Sclavos/MARS the Salon]