Could Beau’s Lines Be a Side Effect of COVID-19?

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By now, we are all too familiar with the symptoms and lasting side effects that can potentially accompany a COVID-19 diagnosis. There is yet another to add to the growing list: COVID nails.

According to a article, professor Tim Spector, principal investigator of the Zoe COVID Symptom app, suggests that COVID nails are “increasingly being recognized, as the nails recover after infection,  and the growth recovers, leaving a clear line.”

Sound familiar? That’s because COVID nails are also known as Beau’s lines, and according to Spector, they can occur in COVID patients without the presence of skin rashes and appear to be harmless.

The article goes on to state that Beau’s lines aren’t exclusive to COVID and should not be considered a concrete sign that your client has had the virus.

For the full article, please visit

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