Onychomycosis describes a fungal infection of the nail, which can be caused by dermatophytes such as the fungus Trichophyton rubrum.
Symptoms: Signs that there is a fungal infection taking place include:
What to Do When You See It
How to Prevent It
There are 4 Main Types of Fungus:
[Image: iStockphoto/Thinkstock]
[Image: iStockphoto/Thinkstock]
[Image: KTesh via Flikr Creative Commons]
What to Do: If you see symptoms of a fungal infection (or any other nail infection for that matter) on a client, do not attempt to rectify the problem. It is safer for both the client and your salon if you simply recommend them to a dermatologist that can culture the fungus or bacteria and prescribe a medication that will clear it up completely. Knowing a dermatologist in the area can be helpful, so that you can refer your clients to a specialist who has a respect for the nail industry.
How To Prevent It: Onychomycosis is best prevented by ensuring all of your instruments are sterilized before using them to apply artificial products to nails. Additionally, proper application that ensures the products don’t lift is essential to making sure fungus on the skin’s surface doesn’t wedge into the crevices on or around the nail and become a problem. For a client who has had fungal infections in the past, and is trying to prevent recurring ones, recommend he or she avoid prolonged contact with water. Using gloves while washing the dishes or wearing gloves at work to reduce hand washing (for those in the medical field) can be helpful.