Learn more about nail artist Fariha Ali Nizam (@nailjob) about her favorite type of food, inspirations, and more.
My first job was…
As a student worker at the campus library in college.
If I could be anyone famous, I would be…
Andy Warhol.
I am inspired by…
Contemporary art and fashion.
My proudest accomplishment is…
When I quit my day job and took a leap of faith to start doing nails full time.
My favorite movie is…
The Japanese film “Tampopo.” It’s about a truck driver who coaches the owner of a ramen shop, who has no cooking skills, to become a master ramen chef.
My perfect day is…
Lounging in bed with my two cats, Yuca and Pepe, and watching TV.
Are you a morning or night person?
Definitely a night person. All of my clients know I hate to wake up early.
My favorite type of food is…
Spicy Asian food, like Korean, Szechuan and Thai.
My most recent impulse buy was…
A Dyson hair dryer. It has changed my life!
My guilty pleasure is…
Watching Korean dramas. The stories are usually so outlandish that it’s like reading a fantasy novel.
I can’t discuss nails without…
Stressing the importance of learning the foundations.
This article was originally published in the March 2017 issue of NAILPRO.
[Images: Courtesy of Fariha Ali Nazam]