15 Ways to Be a Good Leader in Your Salon

Good Leadership Tips

As a salon owner, you are the captain of your business! Here are 15 ways to practice effective leadership in the beauty industry and keep your nail salon running smoothly:

1. Be there. Entrepreneurs warn that a successful business can slip when an owner is not present at least part of every day to keep in touch with how operations are running.
2. Set an example for working hard.
3. Don’t confuse “hands-on” management with micro-management. Set objectives and offer guidance, but don’t make employees do every little thing your way. Gauge what they do by the results.
4. Understand your business down to the last detail.
5. Stay in touch with “stakeholders” – including clients, employees, and suppliers.
6. Communicate clearly and routinely. Lay out your salon’s goals and principles in a mission statement and share your vision with your employees.

6985853660 6200b66fcc Z7. Involve employees in setting objectives. Give them feedback on how they’re progressing toward meeting those targets.
8. Give your employees authority, then hold them accountable. But don’t go after them personally when things go wrong. Find out first if the process is at fault.
9. Hold yourself accountable. Install an advisory board or an executive team to help you make sound strategic decisions and give you feedback on your own performance.
10. Be trustworthy and extend trust to your employees. That will help you earn their loyalty and strengthen your salon.
11. Give employees their freedom. Communicate the goals and let them figure out how to reach those goals. They want control over their working lives.
12. Create an environment that encourages energy and spirit.
13. Strive to help employees feel that when they have accomplished the salon’s goals, they have also accomplished their personal goals.
14. Create a sense of meaningful purpose. Most workers want to feel they’re engaged in a project that’s larger than they are.
15. Recognize that leadership requires responsibility and stewardship. Leadership isn’t about rank, privileges, titles, or money.

[Images: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sfupamr/https://www.flickr.com/photos/sfupamr/ via Flickr, U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv via Flickr]

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