Starting a new job can be simultaneously exciting and nerve-wracking. Will you like your coworkers? Will you screw something up? Lucky for you, we’ve got some survival tips to get you through it!
The Night Before
Get plenty of rest. Try to go to bed early. You don’t want to show up on your first day with puffy eyes. Pick out a fabulous yet professional outfit and have it all laid out and ready to go for the morning.
Once You Start
Introduce yourself to everyone there. Chances are you only interviewed with one or two people for the job so introduce yourself and get everyone’s name. To remember everyone’s name, after they say it, repeat it yourself. It will help you remember if you say it too.
Make friends with the receptionist. She will be your go-to person for questions.
Scout everything out: When you get there, be sure to locate where everything is kept: towels, sink, beverages.
Get into a routine. Set up your station like you did at the last salon. You may be bringing past clients with you so keep some uniformity to keep them comfortable.
Listen and do what you’re told. Don’t walk in there like you own the place. Listen to your boss and coworkers. Once you’ve been there long enough, you will have more freedom. If you get there and see that their waiting area isn’t as welcoming or clean as your last salon, make that suggestion at a later date.
Don’t compare your old job to this new job. That’s a very important rule. Your boss doesn’t want to hear that things were done better or differently at your old job.
Be honest: If you don’t know something or have a question, ask. No matter how stupid it may sound. It’s better to ask than to screw up later.
Show that you are a team player: If you see your coworkers cleaning, head over there (if you aren’t busy) and help out.
Try to have fun. Work should be professional, yes, but it should be fun too. During lunch or a lull in the action, get to know your coworkers, smile, ask questions about them and just have fun. -April Schallau
[Image: Wikimedia Commons from ??@Twingo??? of Chiba, Japan]