The Secret To Getting The Most Out Of A Trade Show Experience

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The Secret To Getting The Most Out Of A Trade Show Experience

Get ready for trade shows! While they are definitely fun, they can also be expensive, chaotic, and exhausting. But we promise it’s worth it if you play your cards right! Whether you’re going to IBS, Cosmoprof, or an entirely different show this year, keep these ten tips in mind to make the most of your valuable time.



1.) Make a list of your current suppliers and try to visit them first to keep up to date on their newest products and techniques.

2.) Make a list of suppliers you are interested in, but do not yet have connections to.  Spend time learning about their products and their application methods.

3.) Familiarize yourself with exhibition maps and make a plan of what you ought to visit first, and what can wait until later. Save yourself some walking and try to see booths near each other all at once before moving on.

4.) Plan your time accordingly around workshops and lectures. Have a list of classes you absolutely can not miss, as well as a few backups that might interest you if you end up having the time.

5.) Go with plain nails so that you can ask for demos at booths. Later, you can compare each nail right next to one another and decide which products and techniques you prefer or last longest.

6.) Don’t write off a demo if the nail art is imperfect. Focus on what you can learn from it – the color, method, and whether the nail maintains its ideal appearance without breaking for a reasonable amount of time.

7.) When at booths, not only receive a demo, but also ask about classes so that you can perfect the look yourself with better guidance later. Make sure to clarify the price and the specifics of the class so you can accurately determine which class will be most worthwhile for you.

8.) If it’s your first show, see if you can find a more experienced tech to walk around with you and show you around. If that nail tech has been to the trade show before, they might have some insider tips or be able to introduce you to some interesting new vendors.

9.) You don’t need to buy everything. This may be hard to swallow, but as a tech or student, the most valuable aspect of a trade show is education. Make note of products you are interested in, and then come back for them either at the end of the day or keep them in mind to buy online or in-store when you return home.

10.) Wear comfortable shoes and bring a sweater! Okay, okay, so we’re not your mother, but it’s still good advice!

And finally, enjoy your trade show! For more invaluable tips, see our full story in Nailpro here.

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