Coincidentally the other day, I had a good client call me and ask me if I would be interested in going with her to her chiropractor’s Spa Day. I said, “Well, I really have to do some research for my marketing article…” Then I thought, wait a minute: field trip! So she and I hit the road to get some up-close and personal ideas.
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Dr. John Mistretta at Back 2 Health Chiropractic center was holding an event at his business in honor of upcoming Mother’s Day. From 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., and then from 3 p.m. to 5:15 p.m., the office staff networked with area salons and businesses. It was so successful that they are already looking for more vendors to host another event in the fall. Some of the businesses that participated were:
Reflexology by Karen Ann She was fabulous and offered a 10 minute session on one foot.
Beauty Treatments by Mary Kay
Yoga Fit They offered two intro session to yoga at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Show Premiere The company was selling jewelry that would make for Mother’s Day gifts.
Wine tasting by The Wine Cellar
Complimentary health screenings by Dr. John
Massages by Jenn
Kelly’s Elite Boutique
Hand painted glassware (I am now the proud owner of some new wine glasses!)
Manicures offered in the morning
Aromatherapy by Scentsy Candles
If you’re thinking that this would be a great thing for your salon to do, you’re right! And don’t wait for someone to come to you, organize one yourself! On our way back, I took note of how many chiropractic offices there were, as well as podiatrists. I’m certain at least one would be open to the idea of participating in an event like this. Think about clients you may know that have jewelry businesses, maybe even a nearby insurance agency, a wellness center or an exercise facility that might help out. Reach out to others and share the power of collective marketing. If each business markets the event to their database, and everyone shares the effort, you could practically quadruple the numbers of guests that you’d have if you were to just invite the people you know. I recently read that every person has at least 250 contacts. The possibilities are endless!
Millie Haynam has been an industry professional for over 30 years. Her awards include Who’s Who in America/Business, Marketing and The Artist and Visionary Award, First Runner Up, Salon of the Year 2004.