30 Under 30 Spotlight: Jacinda Mecias
Jacinda Mecias (@mochinailed) is a nail tech at Nail Witch Studios in Miami, Florida.
Read our November/December 2022 digital magazine to see the complete list of 30 Under 30 winners.
Jacinda Mecias is one of Nailpro's 30 Under 30 for 2022
NP: What is the toughest part about your job as a nail artist?
JM: First off, if you're a client of mine reading this, this ain't about you! I'm blessed to have the clientele that I have. But, the toughest part of my job is dealing with...*those* clients — the ones who show up 15-20 minutes late, don't know what they want to do once they arrive, are very indecisive and use their phone throughout the entire appointment. I've had my fair share of experiences like this so far in my career. Having to break up with clients is often awkward and probably my least favorite thing about my work. Luckily, the good clients always outweigh *those* clients.
NP: What do you love about your job?
JM: CREATING! Being able to repaint a design that I love to do or experiment. Having clients that trust me to create something beautiful on their nails. These are the things that renew my spirit.
NP: Where do you find inspiration?
JM: Instagram has been the holy grail for nail art inspo, trends and new products. It's no wonder nail art has blown up so much in the past three years. We are all innovators drawing inspiration from each other on social media. It's absolutely amazing what my fellow nail artists out there are doing with this medium, and they've all inspired me and my work.
NP: What is a piece of advice you would give other nail technicians who are just getting started?
JM: BE PATIENT. STAY IN YOUR BAG. Period! Seriously, if you're fresh out of school and starting to build yourself up, be patient as you're gaining clientele. Not everyone has the same timeline for success! Keep focusing on yourself and your continued education. Hone your skills, and the clients will come to you because they'll see that you're dedicated to your work.

JM: Every new skill in this business is another potential service or add-on. YouTube is free!
NP: What is your favorite nail trend right now?
JM: If you've heard of "nuance" nail art hailing from China, you'd know how beautiful the designs are! I love that each set is similar in vibe but different. No two nails are the same, but the colors are neutral enough to match a lot of outfits. They're classy, great for short nails and so much fun to do. I love how much freedom they give me as the artist designing them.
NP: What is your favorite service to offer?
JM: Structured Japanese gel manicures. They're soakable or refillable, extremely durable and allow my clients to grow out their natural nails.
NP: Who is your role model?
JM: Not sure if I have any role models, but I definitely have people in my life that inspire me, and I look up to. Leslie Ayala, the owner of Nail Witch Studios where I call home is one of them!
NP: What is one of your proudest achievements as a nail tech?
JM: Just seeing my growth as an artist in the past two years has been very rewarding for me. I've improved so much and continue to improve. Aside from that, I've been able to work with local creators on productions and editorial. I hope to continue to be able to do that because I absolutely love collaborating with other creatives.
NP: What do you love about the nail community/industry?
JM: The people in this industry that I've met and worked with have been some of the most down-to-earth, laid back and REAL people I've ever met. This industry may be difficult sometimes, but I love the spirit of the people in this community and how creative, down-to-earth and innovative we all are as a collective. Nail art has taken over the world in the past few years and that's all thanks to our collective creativity and our ability to bring it to the people in our local neighborhoods.
NP: What are your top goals as a nail tech?
JM: Right now, my goal is to grow as an artist and keep leveling up my work. In the future, I hope to expand more toward editorial work.
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