My favorite album is… “A Seat at the Table” by Solange. It’s beautiful, empowering and intelligent, and I love to paint to it in my studio.
If I could be anyone famous, I’d be… Dolly Parton. She knows how to use her incredible voice, both in song and for good. She’s an outspoken role model who gives back to the community and stands up for what she believes in—all the while with fabulous nails.
My favorite movie is… I went to film school, so, I’d love to tell you my favorite movie is Metropolis. But, if I could only watch one movie for the rest of my life, I’d pick Clueless.

My most treasured possession is… An amethyst bracelet that belonged to my great-grandmother. My grandparents are Holocaust survivors. They lost their families and moved to a few countries before they finally made it to America. Amazingly enough, my great-grandmother’s bracelet also survived. My grandmother wore it only on special occasions for luck and gave it to me to wear on my wedding day.
I am most afraid of… Mummies. They freak me out!
My childhood ambition was… To move to New York City. My parents took me to NYC for my first trip. I didn’t understand the idea of travel and I thought we had moved. So, when they started packing our bags to go back home, I was upset! I officially moved here as soon as I turned 18 and I love the vibrant energy, all the people and, of course, the amazing fashion.

My favorite food is… Anything with marinara sauce! I live in a traditionally Italian neighborhood in Brooklyn and my favorite part is the fresh pasta and homemade sauce at my corner store.
Are you a morning or night person? I’m a total night owl. I love to paint sample designs late into the night when it’s quiet. —Jennifer Carofano
[Images: Courtesy of Miss Pop]
This article was first published in the June 2017 issue of NAILPRO.