How to Make Watermarble Decals Using Yagala Nail Polish

yagala nail polishyagala nail polishyagala nail polishyagala nail polish

Created by nail artist and blogger YaGala (@yagala), the newly launched namesake YaGala 7-Free Nail Lacquer collection is available in 37 colors and 10 neon shades.

yagala nail polishyagala nail polish

1. To create a marble decal, start by dropping Pure White into a cup of chilled water. Then, add a drop of Charcoal in the center of the white polish. Alternate between white and black polish until the pattern consists of roughly 20 concentric rings.


2. Drag a dotting tool through the polish, starting at the edge of the circle and moving toward the center. Wipe the tip of the dotting tool and repeat. Repeat Step 2 up to 15 times.

yagala nail polishyagala nail polish

3. Allow the marble decal to set for 10-15 minutes. Then, slip an orangewood stick under the edge of the marble decal and gently pull it out of the water.

yagala nail polishyagala nail polish

4. Lay the marble decal flat on a paper towel to dry.


5. Prep nails, then apply 1 coat of Pure White.


6. Cut a nail-sized piece from the marble decal. Then, while the polish is still tacky, use tweezers to apply the decal on top of the polish.

yagala nail polishyagala nail polish

7. Using a cuticle pusher, trim off any excess decal around the nail bed. Then, use scissors or a nail file to remove any excess decal at the free edge.

yagala nail polishyagala nail polish

8. To finish, apply top coat.

Watch the two video tutorials below to see this step-by-step in action:

What do you think of this watarmarble technique using Yagala 7-free nail polish? Let us know in the comments below!

[Images: Photography by Jason Bennett]

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