Spring’s here – so push those dark, moody colors aside to welcome in a palette of bright, rich hues to prep your clients for beach days, floppy hats, and sipping strawberry lemonade.
We’ve rounded up spring polish and gel polish collections from all the top brands to get your shopping list started!
- %{[ data-embed-type="image" data-embed-id="5f209cefef1c6c6a0ce5c890" data-embed-element="span" data-embed-alt="Caption-polish-2" data-embed-src="https://img.nailpro.com/files/base/allured/all/image/2016/03/np.Caption-polish-2.png?auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=max&w=1280&q=70" data-embed-caption="<br> <strong><a href="https://www.captionpolish.com/" target="_blank">Caption Polish</a> Spring Resort 2016 Collection</strong><br /> “The collection comes in a variety of watercolors in unforgettable names; Kill It With Kindness, a virtuous pale pink; Ain’t No Thing an easy pale apricot; Never Too Early, a sunny buttercream yellow; Good Save, a healing jade green; What Goes Around, a good karma pastel blue; Gimme Gimme, a subtle pale smoke grey and Read It & Weep, a moody charcoal grey; Eat My Dust, a gold medal metallic chrome.”" data-embed-width="1200" data-embed-height="867" ]}%