The Patriotic Products You Need for Fourth of July
Jun 19th, 2014
You’ll already be getting out your sparklers, flags, and fireworks for Independence Day, but is your salon ready? Make sure to stock up on the top patriotic wraps, glitters, and polishes for the holiday to bring something festive to your clients’ fingertips! Click through to see the hot products we have our eyes on.
Nail art doesn’t have to be hand painted; even the most talented professionals turn to wraps for additional flair. NCLA has some great ones – a patriotic tie-dye pattern called Born In The USA.
While clients are standing out in the July sun, their skin and nails are especially vulnerable to the negative effects of aging. Help them out by using Dermelect ME lacquers, which are infused with ProSina, a pure protein peptide that strengthens nails to make them grow longer and more resistant to chipping, peeling and splitting. Try it in Rediculous,Opulence, and Phenom.
Glitter is essential to a fabulous mani. Add a bright spark with Cinapro NailSugar Cherry Cola, or fill in a starry design with Salt Water Taffy – which contains flecks of both white and blue. The latter can save you from painting tiny individual stars, and still gives a great effect!
Jamberry wraps utilize heat to adhere to nails for long-lasting printed manicures. If clients will be spending the holiday at the beach or in the pool, these are perfect as they won’t chip like polish does. Try either America or Fireworks.
Add a metallic punch to manis with this glitter-filled lacquer. KBShimmer Red, White & Blue-tiful contains both star-shaped sequins and micro holographic sparkles for maximum sparkle!