OPI’s Profit Calculator Wants You to Make it Rain


OPI has recently announced the impending launch of their new free web tool, the Profit Calculator. Taking the number of hours worked and services offered, the Profit Calculator aims to help salon owners and nail techs boost their revenue. Learn more about the exciting new tool here! 

OPI’s Profit Calculator Wants You to Make it Rain

NP-OPI-Profit-Calculator-In-PostOPI Profit Calculator is designed to help nail techs and salon owners boost their revenues.

Gather ’round, nail techs and salon owners, because OPI is here to make your life a lot easier. If you’ve been thinking of ways to increase your bottom line through service expansion or product change, OPI’s Profit Calculator is here to do the dirty work for you.

Through an algorithm, the calculator will input the number of hours worked per week, services offered, price of services, number of clients and booking times and provide a customized overview of which services are the most profitable as well as the number of clients recommended to maximize profits. The results are designed to drive salon owners to reevaluate the services offered and provide higher-end, more profitable services such as manicures and pedicures with OPI’s GelColor and Infinite Shine.

According to OPI Co-Founder and Creative Ambassador, Suzi Weiss-Fischmann, “we observed that by offering more GelColor and Infinite Shine services, salons can significantly increase profits. The calculator details exactly how many more of these services should be offered monthly, as well as resulting increased profits, to give salons a clear picture of potential earnings.” The calculator which has yet to launch will be available only to users with an OPI Pro account.

Regardless of whether you’re a fan of the brand or not, the Profit Calculator sounds like a neat tool that can be used to glean insights into what is and isn’t working for your salon or business.

To sign up for an OPI Pro account before the calculator’s launch, visit OPI.

If you’re a salon owner or nail tech, we want to hear your thoughts on the calculator! Could it be useful to your business? Share your thoughts with us on Facebook!


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