What impact did participating
in—and winning—the Glossies have on your career?
The biggest thing it did for my career was boost my confidence level. I’m more willing to try things I’ve never done before and push myself to learn more techniques.
Winning first place at the NAILPRO competitions was absolutely amazing and not expected. It was stressful to participate on site for the first time but, at the same time, it was a great experience and helped me to learn a lot about being a competitor. Participating in the most recent competition at ISSE Long Beach, I was less stressed because I am more experienced, and I enjoyed being with my friends and other nail enthusiasts from all over the world.
I’ve asked her tons of questions! For example, when I was preparing for my last competition, I had some specific questions about nail length that she helped clarify. I also periodically tap into her expertise as I learn about different categories. She has vast experience in nail competitions and I’m really thankful to her for all of her help.
What are your competition plans going to be in the months ahead?
I’m taking it one step at a time, but I’m going to try to compete in more categories—even the ones I’m not good at! I’m still learning category tips and tricks; there’s so much I don’t know yet. But the process I go through and the people I meet all help me get better in a fun way. My main goal is to improve every day, and competitions are an opportunity to push myself.
This article was originally published in the April 2017 issue of NAILPRO.
[Images: Courtesy of Iryna Gross]