Dissecting the Beauty Habits of Millenial Women


Product review platform Influenster recently conducted a survey on the beauty habits and preferences of millenial women. Given that millenials are currently the largest living generation, this is excellent information for nail techs and/or salon owners looking to reach a large portion of their clientele. Here, a breakdown of Influenster’s findings. 

Dissecting the Beauty Habits of Millenial Women

Those in the beauty industry are well-acquainted with millenial women, especially given that they consist of a large percentage of the salon-going, nail art-loving population. But while we come into contact with them on a daily basis, determining the preferences and habits of millenials has never been easy… until now. Product review platform Influenster recently conducted a survey asking millenial women a series of beauty-related questions in order to create a complete picture of the beauty preferences of women ages 18-35. Some of the questions asked include: What is your favorite nail polish shade?, What is your favorite beauty brand? and Which beauty trends have you tried and liked in the past?

Below is an infographic summarizing their findings. (Don’t forget to Pin this for later!)


According to their findings, millenial women:

  • Chose pink (27%) as their favorite lacquer shade, closely followed by nude (20%) and red (15%).
  • Love Gel/Shellac manicures (39%).
  • Hate the bubble nail art trend (2%). (Can you blame them?)

Salon owners and nail techs can use these findings to their advantage to curate products and/or services specifically targeted to the millenial demographic.

Do you work with millenial clients? What has been your experience with the population? Share your experience with other nail professionals on our Facebook!

Image courtesy of Influenster.

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