Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Video Marketing: ‘Scoping Out Periscope


Now that you know how to dominate the Instagram and Snapchat social media scene, here’s how to use Twitter’s newest video platform, Periscope, for your brand.

Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Video Marketing

‘Scoping Out Periscope


Periscope, a Twitter-owned streaming service, allows users to post real-life videos sans the time limits that Instagram and Snapchat impose. Like Snapchat videos, Periscope streams vanish after 24 hours–unless you save them to your own device. Periscope streams are also viewable to anyone who happens to be watching, not just your own followers (though you can block other users). “They can ask questions while you broadcast,” says Sidberry, “making it the most interactive platform.” Ryden, for instance, uses Periscope to live-stream events and show in-progress nail sets, as well as offer more in-depth tutorials and Q&As.

Periscope is Watson’s current favorite platform. “I use it to keep my brand human, to share what’s happening in my business and personal life,” she says, explaining that she recently Periscoped herself speaking on Nail Talk Radio–“While my fans listened, they could also see me”00and rescuing a shelter dog, Eddie, from death row. “My fans are still following and asking for updates on Eddie,” she says. “So those cute videos ultimately served as a commercial for my product.” For favorite Periscope productions, Watson offers this hack: “I upload them to YouTube and then post them to all of my other channels!”

Lisa Logan gained thousands of followers last February simply by sing Periscope to broadcast highlights from New York Fashion Week. “It was interesting to see how quickly it took off.” says Logan, who had just discovered the tool and thought it was just one of those “new, trendy things made to confuse 30-somethings.” She says, “I uploaded some footage from a shoot I was working on–one of those tight spots when everyone’s scrambling to get looks done–and all these hearts immediately started popping up!” (Periscope allows viewers to send “hearts”–up to 500 of them per user, per session–to the broadcaster by tapping their mobile screen in appreciation.) Sidberry encourages Periscope users to invite friends and followers to watch your streams (it’s a feature within the app). “This creates interaction and leads to more followers,” she says.

Better Branding

Familiarizing yourself with Instagram, Snapchat and Periscope means that you’ll have an immediate edge over local competition. “Social media is now the main driver of word-of-mouth marketing,” says Sidberry. “Having great pictures and videos is more than a way to get noticed; it can boost sales and clientele by as much as 75 percent.” However, no matter the platform, you don’t want to come on too sales-heavy. “People are on social media to be social, not to buy,” points out Venth. “So use your platforms to engage directly with current and potential customers; this will establish brand awareness and loyalty.”

Frank Klesitz, CEO of Vyral Marketing in Omaha, Nebraska, agrees that video content should be fun and education-based, rather than sales-focused. “Position yourself as an expert to answer questions about nail art, rather than pushing special ‘buy now’-type offers. “If you want to dabble in special offers (think: Come in and mention this specific post for a discount). Klesitz recommends not doing so more than once a week. “You don’t want to train your client base to expect offers.”

Social media’s superpower is that it fosters connection. Video content in particular offers an intimate personal touch. “It’s that element of seeing and hearing you,” Watson says. “You can get your personal and business missions across in much less time than it would take for someone to read about you.” However, it’s important to know your own limits when it comes to posting. It’s why Ly focuses on just one social media tool rather than playing across the board. But if you are posting across channels, remember that some fans use just one platform–so if you’re doing something amazing, cross-promote it. Watson refers to all of her channels as her “pets,” saying, “When you don’t feed your pets, you lose engagement and followers drop off.” It’s why she’s become a pro at recycling content. “Stream live on Periscope, upload the entire video to YouTube and then edit a 15-second bite for Instagram,” she says. “Post another bite to Facebook with a link to see the full length, and be sure to Tweet it, too!”

Above all, be authentic, interact regularly with your audience and, most importantly, pay close attention to the response to your posts. “That’s how you figure out which types of video content people like, comment on and share!” stresses Venth. “That social media share button is the modern word-of-mouth advertising Holy Grail. These days, it’s imperative to business success.”

For more on social media marketing, visit our post on using Instagram here and Snapchat here.

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