Margherita Missoni got a head start on Fashion Week with a unique presentation in Los Angeles in February. For the first stateside unveiling of M Missoni, the designer took over Pink’s Hot Dogs stand in Hollywood, where models paraded through the parking lot in cool pattern knitwear and custom OPI manicures. Nail lead Miss Pop created a variety of looks using Telenovela Me About It, Coral-ing Your Spirit Animal, Don’t Tell a Sol, Verde Nice to Meet You and Hue Is the Artist? from the OPI spring 2020 Mexico City Collection. The eclectic mix of models all donned the bright hues on their tips in a single cream color, a Skittles mix (each nail a different color) or hand-painted nail art crafted by Miss Pop and inspired by the signature M Missoni designs.
“[The show] was a blast because it was nontraditional,” says Miss Pop. “The takeover of the iconic Pink’s Hot Dogs was a color explosion, and
OPI was a big part of that magic.”
–by Lotus Abrams
[Images: Courtesy of Alicia Chandler]
This story first appeared in the April issue of Nailpro magazine. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe.