Pairing Enhancements With 5 Nail Types

Despite these strides, many professionals still rely on a one-size-fits-all approach, missing out on the immense benefits of customized services based on factors such as nail type, lifestyle, style preferences, and maintenance plans.
Despite these strides, many professionals still rely on a one-size-fits-all approach, missing out on the immense benefits of customized services based on factors such as nail type, lifestyle, style preferences, and maintenance plans.
Courtesy of mafffi via Adobe Stock

Say goodbye to cookie-cutter approaches forever, and embrace the power of technology! The professional nail industry has experienced a remarkable surge in scientific advancements, offering tailored solutions for every natural nail type and lifestyle requirement. In just 50 years, we've evolved from basic nail polish formulations prone to yellowing and chipping to long-lasting gel polishes and advanced nail enhancement technologies like gel and liquid and powder systems, boasting lift-proof adhesion and enduring performance, allowing wearers to go maintenance-free for over three weeks.

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