Courtesy of Britney Tokyo
Nail artist Britney Tokyo who is based in Los Angeles, California, shares her short and sweet background for Women's History Month.
- When and why did you become a nail tech?
“When I was little, my grandma did my nails for me for the first time, and I got super happy and stared at them all day! It was just a single-color plain nail! That was when I decided I will become a nail artist!” - After receiving your nail tech/beauty license, have you received other certifications? If so, what?
“Before I got a California manicurist license, I got a JNA (Japan Nailist Association) first class certification, Bio Sculpture Gel certification, Presto gel educator certificate and Aprés Nail educator certificate.” - Where do you find education, and how do you continue growing your skills and business?
“I mainly study myself now, but if I cannot do myself, I will find a class online.” - What obstacles have you faced, and how did you overcome them?
“I never thought [any challenges were] obstacles because I like nails and new things.” - What tips do you have for aspiring and budding nail techs?
“Always be yourself; do not do the same thing as other people.”