To provide Preen.Me’s millions of fans with eye-catching nail inspiration, a network of highly talented Nail Professionals will create and share colorful nail artistry across the digital landscape using the hashtag #ShellacMasterpiece, with a focus on colors from the wide range of 96 fashion-inspired Shellac Brand shades. Through April 2016, nail pros and consumers can expect to see hundreds of #ShellacMasterpiece social media posts from Preen.Me influencers, including images, shade swatching, video tutorials and detailed how-tos to recreate their unique nail looks in the salon.
“At CND, we are always looking for unique opportunities to elevate Nail Pros as true artists by turning the world’s eye toward the nail industry. Whether it be on the runways at New York Fashion Week or in your local salon, we encourage you to thrill and delight your clients with one-of-a-kind masterpieces,” said CND Co-founder and Style Director, Jan Arnold. “Partnering with Preen.Me on this exciting digital campaign is yet another way to reaffirm our commitment to advancing the state of the industry by creating mass awareness of the colorful, creative and innovative world of nails.”
Images: CND