Test Yourself March 2019: Trigger Finger


Earn Certificates of Achievement as you test your skills with NAILPRO’s Professional Participation Program. In each issue, you’ll find a multiple-choice test that will allow you to demonstrate what you’ve learned from our Nail Clinic column. For answers to this month’s test, see “Trigger Finger.” If you earn a score of 80% or higher, you’ll be awarded a framable Certificate of Achievement. A perfect score earns a Certificate of Achievement With Honors.

Welcome to your Trigger Finger Quiz

1. Women are more likely than men to develop trigger finger.

2. Which of the following is a sign of trigger finger or trigger thumb?

3. ____________ is another name for trigger finger.

4. Trigger finger occurs more commonly in people who __________.

5. Surgery is never recommended to treat trigger finger.

6. ___________ can cause trigger finger symptoms.

7. The first way to treat trigger finger is ____________.

8. Trigger finger typically develops in the dominant hand.

9. Trigger finger is most likely to develop in ____________.

10. Trigger finger never resolves on its own without medical treatment.

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This story first appeared in the March issue of Nailpro magazine. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe.

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