Nail Art Tutorial: The Watercolor Effect

Prom QueenProm Queen

Solid colors are so ten seconds ago. Mix it up by adding a watery translucent effect to your designs with acrylic paint. Just a note: when using acrylic paint, make sure you have a base layer of nail polish on the nail first. Watch as Becky of @nailsby_becky describes how it’s done.

Image 1 5Items needed:

  • base coat
  • base color (white will make colors pop out)
  • top coat
  • acrylic paint of your choice
  • water
  • paintbrush

Image 3 4Step 1: Apply base coat and base color. If you want to use gel polish, apply base coat, color, AND top coat as you would normally. Wipe inhibition layer off and begin step 2.

Image 5 2Step 2: Water down acrylic paint. You want it VERY watery. Place color on nail in shape or design you desire. If the color is not watered down enough, use your paintbrush to add some water on top of the color on the nail.


Image 4 3Step 3: Dry your paintbrush and touch the paintbrush to the acrylic paint. The water should pull from the nail and into the brush. Continue to dry off the paintbrush and touch the color to remove desired amount of water and paint.

Image 2 4Step 4: Continue to water down acrylic paints and repeat process until you have desired look.

Image 7Step 5: Add top coat and you’re done!

Find Becky’s work online:
Instagram: @nailsby_becky
Twitter: @BLCarter28

[Images: Becky Carter]

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