Here are some techniques various nail technicians have recommended for banishing the dreaded yellow.
Clients may enter your salon with yellowed nails stained by polish, often because a base coat was not applied.
However, all is not lost! There are methods for removing the dreaded yellow stain from nails.
Here are some recommended techniques to follow:
- Lemons: Soak nails in lemon juice and then scrub the stain out with a nail brush. The citric acid is an excellent natural cleaning agent. Make sure your moisturize and apply cuticle oil after washing the lemon juice off. You don't want the cuticles to dry out! Also, don't try this method if you have cuts or hangnails as it may sting the area.
- Toothpaste: Using a peroxide-containing toothpaste, gently brush away yellow stains with a toothbrush.
- Hydrogen Peroxide: Soak nails in a solution of 4 parts water, 1 part hydrogen peroxide for 10 minutes. Make sure you heavily moisturize once you are finished to ensure optimal cuticle and nail health. This option is best if the nails are really stained, and lemon juice and/or toothpaste isn't proving to be effective.
- Denture Tablets: Follow the instructions on the package for dissolving the tablet in water, and soak your nails for several minutes.
- Bleach: This option should be a last-resort for serious stains. Mix a tablespoon of bleach in a cup of water then use a nail brush to scrub stains off. Make sure you moisturize and apply cuticle oil when complete.
Remember to remind your clients to use a base coat if they decide to paint their nails at home!
How many of these have you tried? Do you find them effective?
This post was originally published on Nailpro in 2021.