30 Under 30 Spotlight: Eneva Cene
Get to know Norway-based nail tech and Eneva Nail Art Owner Eneva Cene (@enevanailart).
Read our November/December 2022 digital magazine to see the complete list of 30 Under 30 winners.
Nailpro (NP): Tell me a little bit about yourself! How did you get started, and why did you choose to become a nail tech?

NP: What is the toughest part about your job as a nail technician/nail artist/salon owner?
EC: I would say the toughest part about being a nail technician for me is that we need to deal with a lot of nail dust, and wrist pain is quite painful at times. As for being a business owner, I personally think it can be more stressful and more responsibilities, yet is very rewarding knowing that you are your own boss and that your future is in your hands.
NP: What do you love about your job?
EC: I love literally everything about my job! I love the freedom of choices and creativity! I love seeing beautiful colors and being able to create anything I wish or have in my mind at any time and in so many different ways! I love transforming clients' ideas into designs!
NP: Where do you find inspiration?
EC: Honestly I would say I have many different inspirations. Sometimes my own clients, their style and personality can be one source of inspiration. Also pictures of art, fashion shows, popular brands of clothing or accessories can also be inspiring. I have even seen pictures of other nail artists, which were inspiring. Usually when I see something, I start building my ideas by seeing the colors and making combinations in my head. I also find music inspiring. I play my favorite songs while I work on my nails in my shop.
NP: What is a piece of advice you would give other nail technicians who are just getting started?
EC: Don't be afraid to make mistakes but just accept them and try again! We only learn from our mistakes and they make us better, especially when we start learning anything new! One mistake from today can be the success for tomorrow! Hard work and dedication gives rewards, so be patient and try the same thing many times until you're happy with it!
NP: What is a tip you have about any technique, service, business, etc.?
EC: One big piece of advice that I could give is that you should always listen to your clients’ desires and needs. Throughout my career (8+ years), the main problem I see is communication. I always tell my students that they should listen and not just hear the client. There must be a connection between the client and artist. In this regard, be focused more on what is required from the client at that moment and not only what we as technicians like or prefer, unless the clients are asking us to essentially 'freestyle.’

EC: I love the rainbow color combinations. Also, I'm into line designs, abstract styles and glitter (for this season).
NP: What is your favorite service to offer?
EC: I love when my clients book the option on the booking system: “Gel extensions / artist choice design” because this gives me the freedom to do what I want, and I usually don't have any plan beforehand. I go straight and get inspired from the moment I see the colors.
NP: Who is your role model?
EC: Honestly, there are a lot of people that I enjoy following through the years that get me inspired. I would say Tammy Taylor is one of them. I love her knowledge, experience and her work. I also love and follow many people who inspire me: Chaun Legend, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Billie Eilish, Nina Sandbech and Anouska Anastasia, just to name a few. They give me the same emotion and energy that I want my clients to feel after I finish a design.
NP: What is one of your proudest achievements as a nail tech?
EC: The biggest achievement is to have my own business! After many years of dedication, practice and passion for what I do, I achieved one of my dreams to own my own salon! For me, winning second and third place in the European championship for nails in the master's division was something that made me proud as a nail technician as well!
NP: What do you love about the nail community/industry?
EC: I love that nails can be so beautiful and that the industry is growing in popularity. I love that we are a huge worldwide team together with the same premise to design and create amazing things. We may not speak the same language, yet we communicate through art. I love that we inspire each other, and from one design you see on IG or Pinterest, you can make so many different variants of your own style and be so creative and fun.
NP: What are your top goals as a nail tech?
EC: My top goal is to be able to give as much to our community as possible. I would like to grow my Instagram and YouTube followers. Even more importantly, I want to connect with others and expand our community, and through time and dedication, give as much inspiration to developing nail art ideas and techniques !Also in the future, I would like to have my own nail brand and extend my team, making fun and creative content together. I am also open to opportunities for collaboration with other brands and rise up together!
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