Famous Names LLC has named Holly Schippers as its first-ever brand ambassador.
Schippers will help raise awareness of Famous Names through YouTube, Instagram and her blog FingerNailFixer. In addition, she will create nail tutorials as a way of educating pros about Famous Names.
Linda Nordstrom, CEO and president of Famous Names said, “We’ve known Holly for years and are delighted to welcome her into the Famous Names family. Her knowledge, passion, honesty, and integrity are a perfect fit for Famous Names. We can’t wait to see how she promotes our products and adds to our support to the professional nail industry.”
Schippers added, “I’m so excited to join Famous Names LLC. Not only are Jim, Linda and the team of industry-leading experts, but I wholeheartedly believe in their products. Famous Names LLC sets nail professionals up for success with products that they stand behind 100%. Together we embrace and uplift nail professionals.”