Meet Yvette Holt, International Educator for LeChat! If you haven’t had the chance to meet her in person during a nail class or at a trade show, get to know her in this month’s quick interview!
What was your first job ever?
The summer I turned 12 I washed car windows for tips at my grandparent’s gas station.
What inspires you?
My client’s ideas, my student’s enthusiasm, Pinterest and my co-worker Joyce who is always working to be a better nail artist.
My proudest accomplishment is…
Raising my children to be decent human beings that care about other people.
My favorite type of music is…
Christian music. It’s very uplifting and positive.
My favorite sport is…
I like to watch football (Go New Orleans Saints!), but I love to play softball. Most of my family plays in a co-ed league.
My perfect day is…
Any day that I get to spend with my grandbaby, Tristan, is the perfect day. He is 3-years-old and an amazing kid.
Are you a morning or night person?
A morning person. It drives most people crazy because I love to be awake, singing and happy.
I can’t discuss nails without…
Using my hands to explain a design.
My favorite type of food is…
My most recent impulse buy was…
Nike workout shoes. I have recommitted to being healthy and working out.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Dark chocolate.
What was your childhood ambition?
I wanted to be a veterinarian because I loved animals!
Images: Yvette Holt