Protect Yourself from These Top 5 Nail Salon Emergencies


As your business grows, so does your need to protect your clients and your business. Don’t let a slip tarnish the reputation you have worked so hard to create. Beauty Insurance Plus, a national insurance provider that supports beauty and wellness professionals, shares the top 5 nail salon emergencies that nail professionals encounter.

Top 5 Nail Salon Emergencies that Need Coverage:

The Slip and Fall

A pedicure spa chair overflows and water leaks in your salon. A customer could slip and fall and choose to file a claim against you for any injury suffered.


Unfortunately, accidents can and do happen. A nail tech may unknowingly apply an artificial nail on an already infected natural nail. This leads to a spread of the bacteria and causes a greater infection. The client can choose to file for negligence on behalf of the nail technician.

Allergic Reaction

You have just received new hand cream at your salon, and use it during a treatment on a client. The client then has a negative skin reaction. With the right insurance, you will be covered against any bodily injury claim filed from such an incident.

Unsanitary Instruments

With the number of things on your to-do list for day-to-day operations, it is almost impossible for even a seasoned nail technician to keep an eye out on every detail of his or her salon. So, when a nail tech makes the unfortunate mistake of using an un-sanitized instrument, this could lead to a potential lawsuit.

Stolen Equipment

Although it wouldn’t be easy for a client to walk out the door holding a giant pedicure chair, there are various small instruments and bottles of nail polish clients may be tempted to steal. With the appropriate coverage, you would not fall victim to this sketchy behavior.

It is important to protect your career against common problems that could file away at your success. Beauty Insurance Plus can help save your peace of mind, so you won’t have to bite your nails in fear of a financially-draining lawsuit.

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