Minxy Mondays: Free Training from Minx

Minxy MondayMinx Nails offers a weekly free live web broadcast that is available to nail technicians worldwide with the purpose of supporting them as they learn and perfect their Minx nail design applications.

Minxy Mondays, a live Web broadcast which takes place at www.justin.tv/Minxinc most Monday mornings, 8am to 10am Pacific Time, helps manicurists who are just getting started to support them through the learning process. It also guides them through problems they might have come across in their experience applying Minx. Minxy Mondays is live and includes a full chat feature, which allows manicurists to bring their questions to the table in real time and get their answers in real time. Not only are questions answered verbally, but the problem and solution demonstrated.

Quick Tip: Use the password Minxy to gain access to the live feed.

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