Beauty File: Interview With Mami Griffin of Sha-Nail Pro

Mami Cmyk

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This month, we talked to Mami Griffin — international nail educator, Sha-Nail Pro art director and phenomenal artist.

Nailpro: What was your first job ever?
Mami Griffin: I was a swimming instructor at a small pool in Japan. I remember really liking mothers with their newborn babies and old people with interesting stories and advice.

What was your first job in the industry?
I started my own salon in my parent’s house in Japan after graduating from a nail school in Los Angeles.

Who would you like to work with?
Katie Cazorla from Nail Files. We’re from different sides of the world but we really clicked when we first met. It was electric, but she’s so busy.

What was your childhood ambition?
I wanted to become a teacher.

My proudest accomplishment is…
The birth of my three beautiful boys.

What is your favorite type of music?
I like pretty much anything except heavy metal.

What’s your favorite movie?
I like comedies.

My most treasured possession…
My family, especially my mom.

What is your favorite type of food?
Japanese food!

What was your most recent impulse buy?
Faux fur lined boots.

Describe the best set of nails you’ve ever seen.
Rainbow sculpture nails that looked like spiral pasta erupting from her nails. They were totally crazy; the colors were all perfectly parallel to each other and faded into each other just like a rainbow.

I am most afraid of…
Losing the trust (or love) in people near me.

I can’t discuss nails without…
Thinking about the people who helped me get to where I am today.


[Image: Mami Griffin]

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