6 New Décor Pieces To Redecorate Your Salon

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If redecorating your salon is on your wishlist, now is the perfect time! Start looking for your favorite décor, and you’ll have your walls afresh with a new style for the new year! We’ve compiled our own vision board for a cozy shabby-chic vibe, so click through to see each of these must-have handcrafted items.

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Pink and Teal Tree 3-Piece Wall Art by Amborela

Wrought Iron Wall Hanging by Theshabbyshak

Nordic Candles
Coral Fluted Pillar Candle by NordicCandles

Chramberries Copy
Teal Wall Painting by Chramberries

Paper Leaves Wall Hanging by Georgianacristea

Sarah Mimo Clocks
Wandering Clock Plus by SarahMimoClocks

[All images courtesy of respective shop owners]

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